Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dance dance revolution

Sunday night Steve invited people over for dinner since it was his last night before he left for the Congo...total there were about 16 people. We ordered a ton of pizza and the night took its own turn...

Geoffrey's daughter, Charlotte, how beautiful is this baby?

Charlotte having a go riding the giraffe

Charlottes got some pretty sweet rhymes

The boys break dancing

Steve went around the room and made each group sing their national anthem...All those represented were America, Ukraine, Uzbeckistan, and Kenya.

Steve also suggested a dance off between the Kenyans...Lilac won eventhough Jacinta was a close 2nd

Chris gave the Kenyans a run for their money

The night ended on this wonderful note...Our Ukrainian roommate Vitalec did a dance to a hip hop chicken song and then bench pressed Chris...Chris said he liked it when he touched his butt...

Steve left yesterday for the Congo, please pray for his safety. It was fun to have him back for a few days, it's like having your dad come and visit. Its always crazy when Steve's in town, because everyone loves him and wants to see him, but it's fun when hes around.

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