Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"About Today"

10 points to Gryffindor if you caught that National reference...On to business...

Today was spent at the Oasis Center. I just kept thinking over and over again about the kids and the possibility of Oasis getting the opportunity to move to the property we visited yesterday. The more I think about it the more I pray that it will happen.
Of course Im slightly biased because I know and love these kids so much, but at the same time I feel theres no group that deserves it more.

They come to the center everyday. Some from an hour's walk away. They work hard in class and they play hard outside. These kids have added so many unbelievable things to my life, Im afraid Ill feel empty when I go home.

I wont be able to sit and watch P.I.G., Anderson, Etao, Collins, and the rest of the older boys play soccer.
There will be no little Brendas who will come braid my hair with her tiny, dirty little hands.
James wont walk up to me and hand me a picture he's drawn in art class.
No one will understand me when I say "Na ku piga" or "Enda Kipsongo"
No more "gotas" from boney little knuckles.
I wont have to try and figure out what everyone is saying because they'll all be speaking English. (This is both fun and frustrating).

Current Oasis Center

These kids come with nothing tangible to give other than themselves, but Im always fulfilled when Im around them. There's no place I'd rather be than with them. How is it possible to feel so filled with so much when they've done nothing but mile at me?

I want these kids to have this center so bad my heart aches and I tear up thinking about the possibilities they would have in that new center. I know Allison, Steve, and I are not the only ones. I can only imagine what Lydia and Geoffrey are feeling.

Potential New Oasis Educational and Vocational Center

I'm praying and asking that this happens. I pray and ask that the landlord would come through with permission, as well as the funds from donors. Those are the 2 main obstacles that stand right now.
I know I asked for help when the house boys were robbed and Christmas came around, and those who know me know I don't feel comfortable asking for money. But this is something that I believe so much in for these kids. Lydia says the hardest thing when it comes to support is that there is not many long term commitments.

My departing wish is to see these kids get to move to the new center.
I feel that through our blogs you've gotten to know these kids and the faces and
I'm suggesting that if this is something that you think you might want to help at all with, get in touch with Lydia at

Thanks for all your support.