Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Show pt.2

So I couldnt finish blogging about the show last night because the malaria kicked in and I got tired, plus there was just too much stuff to put on one blog so heres the rest...

This was the initial group that showed up to Oasis, but then we added the house boys and some others along the way...

This was the stadium where they had soccer and rugby games as well as marching bands...


Don't worry the bleachers might look a little unstable, but they didn't wobble too much...

Look quickly, it looks real...Everyone said that the show used to be better when President Moi was in power because the animals were real, but they said now its not as fun as it used to be. They said it was pretty much the same every year.

How do you feed over 100 kids lunch? Easy whole loaves of bread and soda


We got lost in some corn for a while...

The perfect ending to the day of coarse would be to ride a camel, so...

We were famous, some guy even videotaped our entire ride, which lasted all of a minute...


Julie Hibbard said...

I am sure that two white girls on a camel was the hit of the show!!!

Derrek Fikes said...

LOL @ everyone staring at the it :)

Elizabeth Ford said...

Who knew they have marching bands in Kenya... I learn something new everyday! Hope you are feeling better. Can't beleive you are still feeling yuck after all of your shots. Get lots of rest!

Unknown said...

Lion!! WooHoO!