Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Things Just Keep Getting Better

So remember how I said I couldn’t wait to get back to Elia, the little boy from Kipsongo? Well…we got done early with our meeting this afternoon, so I grabbed one of the Ukrainian women, Tonya, that lives with us and we headed over to Sister Fredas for a couple of hours…Sister Fredas isn’t very close to our hoe, its actually out of town a ways, so it took a bit to get there, but it was so worth it because my little man was there just hanging out in his crib.

Uugghh it made me so happy to see him! The boys from Oasis of Hope were also at Freda’s. All three houses had been brought out to her so that they could be tested for HIV/AIDS. All of the boys had said they had been sexually active but didn’t know if they were infected, and here that’s a big problem…Esp. since a good portion of them were made orphans because of the disease. As nerve-wracking as it was, it was something that needed to be done.

We weren’t quite sure what the outcome was going to be but we hoped and prayed for the best, but deep down we thought there might be some boys who were positive…So after hours of waiting the results came back for all the boys…

Not one boy came back positive…We were so happy and relieved. And you could see it all over their faces as well.
Lydia told us how this morning before they left for Sister Freda’s, one of the boys had come up to her and nervously asked that if someone came back positive, would they have to move out of their house. They thought that if they tested positive they had screwed up and that they would be penalized for it by getting kicked out. Lydia quickly reassured them that no one would get kicked out and the only thing that would change is that they would have to start taking medicine and everyone would take care of them. It just made me sad that they thought they were going to be turned away. It just makes me want to be there more to reassure them that they are not going to be turned away and that is why we are all here is to show them how important they are…
Today was a good day☺
Well I had planned on posting more pics, but Kenyan internet isnt so great and allowing me to at the moment, so I will post more pics later

1 comment:

tooey said...


Sounds like you're having a better time the last few days. That's what happens when you focus on the important things, and leave all that other junk for God to take care of.

So, are you going to pull an Angelina Jolie?